"La madurez del hombre es haber vuelto a encontrar la seriedad con la que jugaba cuando era niño". Friedrich Nietzsche.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011


  • In middle ages, monarchy was controlled by the church (clery man). It is based by Augustine's philosophie.
  • Augustine's philosophie said that the world was divided by two cities: "City of God" (Sion/Jerusalen) and "City of Men" (Babylon) that was the curch and it governor: the Pope.
  • If a person wanted to control a State MUST have "Blue blood" but... what is that?. Read the next image: 

  • Johannes Althocious (1557-1638) and Hugo Grocio (1583-1645) were the first thinkers who defended the "Nature Right".
  • "Nature Right" or "IUSNATURALISM" is a law that says all people MUST to be alive and free. The monarchy have to satisfy and protect this law in the whole State. It turned to a "Positive Right".
  • Then, the State will have the famous "Social Pact". Is a real or hypothetical agreement made ​​within a group by itsmembers, such as that acquired in a State with respect to the rights and duties of the state and its citizens.

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